Biying Miao
Biying Miao is the co-founder of Hot Pop Factory, a 3D Printing and Digital Fabrication Design Studio. The self- proclaimed art-geek has worked on projects exhibited at the Royal Ontario Museum, the Textile Museum of Canada and the Art Gallery of Ontario.
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- Where did you grow up and what were you like as a child?
My family moved to Canada from Shanghai when I was in fourth grade, and I grew up in Toronto. I was a very creative child who loved drawing and making things with my hands. Coming from a Chinese family, I was encouraged to play music but gravitated toward freeform arts, so learning an instrument in the classical sense never became something that I honed. I actually wish that I had done that. My 3D printers sound like singing robots, so that’s the music I make now. I’m sure if I put the time in, I could remix it into a pretty sweet song.
I was always a bit of an art and music geek so when it came time to choose a career path I leaned toward architecture because it was a mix of art, science, and technology; all things that are very much a part of who I am.
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- Where did you grow up and what were you like as a child?
My family moved to Canada from Shanghai when I was in fourth grade, and I grew up in Toronto. I was a very creative child who loved drawing and making things with my hands. Coming from a Chinese family, I was encouraged to play music but gravitated toward freeform arts, so learning an instrument in the classical sense never became something that I honed. I actually wish that I had done that. My 3D printers sound like singing robots, so that’s the music I make now. I’m sure if I put the time in, I could remix it into a pretty sweet song.
I was always a bit of an art and music geek so when it came time to choose a career path I leaned toward architecture because it was a mix of art, science, and technology; all things that are very much a part of who I am.

- Where did you grow up and what were you like as a child?
My family moved to Canada from Shanghai when I was in fourth grade, and I grew up in Toronto. I was a very creative child who loved drawing and making things with my hands. Coming from a Chinese family, I was encouraged to play music but gravitated toward freeform arts, so learning an instrument in the classical sense never became something that I honed. I actually wish that I had done that. My 3D printers sound like singing robots, so that’s the music I make now. I’m sure if I put the time in, I could remix it into a pretty sweet song.
I was always a bit of an art and music geek so when it came time to choose a career path I leaned toward architecture because it was a mix of art, science, and technology; all things that are very much a part of who I am.
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- Another question?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
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